

Arturo Escartín Otero

     National crisis 

     Responsible for the Spanish economic crisis 


  INITIAL                                   PROLOGUE                                       REPORT                                       SUMMARY                              EN ESPAÑOL     


The omitted facts by the justice administration and the nation’s government, evidences that  the Spanish economic crisis is not an exclusive consequence of the present international financial situation, as we have been imposed by our politicians up to now. This justifies why our country has been attributed 40% of the unemployment of the eurozone, and also, why it will take longer time to surpass this situation than other members of the European Union.

Here is revealed what has officially been able sustain secret and has allowed  to unchain what  now apparently  they can’t  resolve, however, the irregularities in our financial system as well as in our  justice  administration,  were denounce in ten occasions since 1997 and no measures were taken to this respect. Consequently  these external circumstances that now are been used to justify everything,  have only activated what  was lethargic and hidden premeditatedly, therefore our crisis is not only economic as in all neighboring countries, but much more complex and serious that what it seems as it can be verify here.




Edition: August 2009 - Email: